Even small nudges, such as the “Nutri-Score” on food packaging, influence the buying behaviour of consumers. This is also confirmed by the research results of the Leuphana University of Lüneburg and the Nordakademie, University of Economics.

The Leuphana University of Lüneburg and the Nordakademie, University of Applied Sciences, have investigated consumer decision-making within their research work on consumer behaviour. In fact, consumers can be manipulated by having the “Nutri-Score” food traffic light on the packaging. The research tested in detail the role of different packaging features. According to Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, chairman for sustainability management at the Leuphana University of Lüneburg, the experiment was used to find out which representations on food packaging help to implement personal preferences for healthier and more sustainable eating.
“Nudges” as “boosters The researchers have concluded that even small “nudges” – such as the Nutri Score – work and people who are very concerned about sustainability already react to them and decide to choose the healthier variety more often. By contrast, people who like to eat unheatlhier disregard this information. In research round about 500 test candidates were tested. The nudging concept, which originates from the economist Richard H. Thaler and the lawyer Cass Sunstein, was the starting point for this study. The main question is how to consolidate behaviour without prohibition or economic incentives. Despite the statement by Dr. Holger Petersen, Professor of Business Administration with a focus on sustainability management, that only little has changed, sustainability- and health-oriented consumers can be supported with a revised design of food packaging. Currently, the Nutri Score can already be found on individual foods in France and Germany. The Nutri Score is only yet a recommendation from the government and is not a mandatory statement.
No food manufacturer is obliged to label their products with the Nutri-Score. NOVEXX Solutions offers a wide range of labelling systems for the precise and reliable placement of self-adhesive labels of any productshape or surface. Especially our XLS labelers are particularly suitable for use in the food industry. A wide range of applicator variants for all requirements and surfaces, extremely robust and designed for continuous use. For more information on labelers please click here or contact us via the contact formular.
NOVEXX Solutions offers a wide range of labelling systems for the precise and reliable placement of self-adhesive labels of any productshape or surface. Especially our XLS labelers are particularly suitable for use in the food industry. A wide range of applicator variants for all requirements and surfaces, extremely robust and designed for continuous use.
For more information on labelers please click here or contact us via the contact formular.